Biblical Baddie Apparel ® is a faith-based clothing brand that was established December 2022 and first launched July 19th 2023. It was inspired to help women learn to love and embrace who they are authentically through Christ. Whether she's a makeup lover, nail tech, hair stylist, fashionista, model/influencer, singer/songwriter, speaker, or girl boss.
We aim to create a safe space within our brand where women can feel accepted by the church without feeling the pressure to conform to a certain look or style. We believe in emphasizing a personal relationship with Jesus rather than focusing solely on being religiously “perfect".
Our brand is meant to remind women that they have holy freedom in Him, as "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."
- 2 Corinthians 3:17.
In other words, they can be fly and still love Jesus. They can serve looks and serve God.
Who are we trying to reach?
As a brand, we intend on reaching the women who’ve ever been trapped, judged, or condemned when it came to following legalistic stigmas created by the church that teaches women of God to LOOK a certain way. Those stigmas that preach relentlessly that they can’t have (holy) fun, they can’t wear makeup, weave, jewelry, acrylic nails, tattoos, they can’t look pretty or show their beauty, they can't dress fly, they can't run a business or ministry. This has led a lot of women to leave the church and sadly leave Christ, they've lost themselves and lost a passion for the things they once took interests in. We want to inspire the inner biblical baddie in them once more, because God created them to use the things they love and the hobbies they invest in to glorify Him. When you're set apart, you won't be understood or accepted.
A Biblical Baddie is not your sterotypical Christian Woman.
Our Take On Modesty
Google's Definition of Modesty:
behavior, manner, or appearance intended to avoid impropriety or indecency.
We believe modesty has to do with our behavior, our heart posture, and the way we outwardly compose and carry ourselves as women.
Biblical Baddie Apparel ® does not seek to condemn women of any background who are wanting to come to know Jesus Christ or invest in our brand's apparel. And we do not judge any women for the way she dresses in her journey of faith.
What do we stand for?
Authenticity, confidence, truth, love, boldness and beauty. But not the world's standard or definition of beauty. We stand for unique, God-given, and internal beauty that goes as far as shining from the inside out. That Jesus glow. We stand for women being saved and having a style of preference, in addition to being holy and having hobbies.
Our Two Main Brand Purposes and why we exist
1. To debunk the belief that Christian women have to LOOK and dress a certain way to be counted as a woman of God.
2. To encourage women to use their gifts, talents and hobbies for the Lord.
1.)We do not support the saturated term used by the Christian community "looking like the world," but we do agree that there is such a thing as acting like the world.
The term "looking like the world" has become a legalistic stigma enforced by the church, which can often lead to women feeling confined to legalistic bondage. There's atheists that wear modest clothing, just as much as a church goer. And there’s witches and homosexuals that wear dresses down to the ankles and stockings just as a saint would. They are considered in the world, yet wearing something the Christian community deems as “holy”. Automatically, in the Christian community's eyes it doesn't make them holy, but if a Christian is wearing these items then the Christian is labeled as "holy". Is it how a person looks, or how a person acts that makes them holy? Actions are considered holy, not mere looks.
If we weren’t to “look” like the world that would mean no floral dresses, no cardigans, no long skirts to the ankles, no head coverings, no anything. Because there’s people living in sin who are of this world that wear that as well. The items we wear do not determine our holiness; it is our actions that hold significance. We are set apart by our actions and the condition of our hearts. The world cannot love like Christ because they lack the spirit of God dwelling within them (1 Corinthians 2:14). As followers of Christ, our ability to love and show love comes from having a relationship with Him (1 John 4:8). God looks at the heart and knows our intentions (Samuel 16:7, Proverbs 27:19).
Romans 12:2 says don’t conform to the patterns of this world, a pattern is an repetitive act or way of doing something. People of the world live in repetitive Unrepentive sin. Living in sin is something we do not intend to lead women into living a lifestyle of following. We encourage women to live a healthy lifestyle centered around prayer, devotion, and reliance in Jesus as they grow their faith in Him. Our external appearance and clothing choices do not impact our internal and authentic relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
2.) You can go out into this world and use every talent and every gift whether spiritual or earthly to bring His name glory. We are all different parts of the body of Christ, we were made differently from one another and have different talents, gifts functions and personalities (Romans 12:4).
When we put God in a box, we limit His power in all the things He can work in and through. There's women in the world that need to be reached, and some that are desiring to know Jesus Christ but they won't always be reached in the traditional way. Not everyone becomes saved in a church building, and God can cause an encounter to occur anywhere. It's not just through a pastor or church leader He will use.
God has put women in many places where they may serve Him through their passions, but because it's non-traditional most people within the church think individuals cannot be saved in that manner.
Sometimes it takes one conversation during a makeup session for a person to realize they would like to be saved, one nail appointment where the client is sitting in the chair to have an encounter with God all because of Christ working through the individual in the profession. We stand on authenticity, and we stand on spreading His word. He didn't say how, He only said to do it (Matthew 28:18-20) and we’re gonna do it. So with this brand, we strive to step outside the stereotypical box and stand boldly in our style just as we stand boldly in our faith.
In ALL you do, let it be done for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31)
We’re not just baddies, we are Biblical Baddies💅🏾.
What is a Biblical Baddie?
A Biblical Baddie is a woman who confidently embraces her unique talents, interests, passions and personality while remaining a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. She could be a makeup artist, nail tech, hair stylist, fashionista, goth, earthy girl, model, influencer, singer, songwriter, speaker, business owner, mentor etc.
Regardless of her pursuits, her love for the Lord remains central to her life. She seeks to grow in her faith and values the Word of God as much as she values her own personal growth. She is both a praying woman and a slayin’ woman, embodying both her devotion to the Lord and personal style.
Being a Biblical Baddie is NOT about promoting vanity or lust, but about breaking free from legalistic constructs that dictate how women of God should look or what they can be. Of course she will face controversy, such as being told she can’t wear this or that, or that a woman of God should have this type of personality as it “suits her better”.
A Biblical Baddie is labeled and judged as a lover of the world just because she is told she "LOOKS" like the world. A Biblical Baddie loves Jesus Christ whole heartedly and strives to be a representation of His love and grace. We want to empower Biblical Baddies who have ever felt trapped or limited by legalistic Christianity, to embrace their unique beauty, both internal and external. By affirming that it is possible to be saved and have a style, to be holy and have hobbies.
Every one is viewed as a unique part of the body of Christ, with different talents, gifts, functions, and personalities (1 Corinthians 12:12, Romans 12:4-8). It is Biblical Baddie Apparel’s ® desire to inspire women to authentically walk in being the masterpiece the Lord has created them to be on the inside out.
To use all their talents and gifts, both spiritual and earthly, to spread His word effectively. And By standing boldly in their style and faith, redefining what it means to be a baddie. Instead, we are BIBLICAL BADDIES who are just 1,000% learning to love and embrace who we are authentically through Christ.

Shadayla Crumpler (23) is the Founder & the CEO of Biblical Baddie Apparel ® . She is a Podcaster and Business Owner/Entrepreneur from Hillsborough County Florida. She now resides in North Carolina.
She’s had her dealings with undergoing church hurt, rejection and being set apart. Shadayla now strives to teach those same women experiencing this to be themselves in the way Christ has created them to be, and to NEVER in the midst of it all forget the assignment/task at hand. That is to make Jesus’s name known throughout the earth, be a witness of His truth and love, walk out your God given purpose despite what others have to say, and strive to be obedient to Him. This all testifies of the light you walk in, so those still living in the darkness can see there’s hope that’s found only in Jesus. Come as you are, but you won’t stay who you are internally.
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"Stay praying, stay slayin'" xoxo🩷